
GLib wrapper for the Redland RDF library
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test_literal_gvalue.c (7080B) - raw

      2 /*
      3  * test_literal_gvalue.c, part of glibrdf
      4  * Copyright 2012 Dan Callaghan <>
      5  * Licensed under GPLv3
      6  */
      8 #include "glibrdf.h"
     10 #define FIXTURE_TYPE LiteralGValueFixture
     11 #define SETUP literal_gvalue_setup
     12 #define TEARDOWN literal_gvalue_teardown
     13 #define DATA const void *user_data G_GNUC_UNUSED
     14 #define PACKAGE "/literal_gvalue/"
     15 #define TEST_ADD(func) g_test_add(PACKAGE #func, FIXTURE_TYPE, NULL, SETUP, func, TEARDOWN)
     17 typedef struct {
     18     librdf_world *world;
     19     librdf_storage *storage;
     20     librdf_model *model;
     21 } FIXTURE_TYPE;
     23 static void SETUP(FIXTURE_TYPE *fixture, DATA) {
     24     fixture->world = librdf_new_world();
     25     g_assert(fixture->world != NULL);
     26     librdf_world_open(fixture->world);
     27     fixture->storage = librdf_new_storage(fixture->world,
     28             "hashes", NULL, "hash-type='memory'");
     29     g_assert(fixture->storage != NULL);
     30     fixture->model = librdf_new_model(fixture->world, fixture->storage, "");
     31     g_assert(fixture->model != NULL);
     33     librdf_parser *parser = librdf_new_parser(fixture->world,
     34             NULL, "application/rdf+xml", NULL);
     35     g_assert(parser != NULL);
     36     librdf_uri *source_uri = librdf_new_uri_from_filename(
     37             fixture->world, "test-data.xml");
     38     g_assert(source_uri != NULL);
     39     int parse_error = librdf_parser_parse_into_model(parser,
     40             source_uri, NULL, fixture->model);
     41     g_assert(!parse_error);
     42     librdf_free_uri(source_uri);
     43     librdf_free_parser(parser);
     44 }
     46 static void TEARDOWN(FIXTURE_TYPE *fixture, DATA) {
     47     librdf_free_model(fixture->model);
     48     librdf_free_storage(fixture->storage);
     49     librdf_free_world(fixture->world);
     50 }
     52 static void test_untyped(FIXTURE_TYPE *fixture, DATA) {
     53     librdf_node *subj = librdf_new_node_from_uri_string(fixture->world,
     54             (const unsigned char *)"");
     55     g_assert(subj != NULL);
     56     librdf_node *prop = librdf_new_node_from_uri_string(fixture->world,
     57             (const unsigned char *)"");
     58     g_assert(prop != NULL);
     59     librdf_node *obj = librdf_model_get_target(fixture->model, subj, prop);
     60     g_assert(obj != NULL);
     61     GValue value = {0};
     62     librdf_node_get_literal_gvalue(obj, NULL, &value);
     63     g_assert(G_VALUE_HOLDS(&value, G_TYPE_STRING));
     64     g_assert_cmpstr(g_value_get_string(&value), ==, "blah");
     65     g_value_unset(&value);
     66     librdf_free_node(obj);
     67     librdf_free_node(prop);
     68     librdf_free_node(subj);
     69 }
     71 static void test_integer(FIXTURE_TYPE *fixture, DATA) {
     72     librdf_node *subj = librdf_new_node_from_uri_string(fixture->world,
     73             (const unsigned char *)"");
     74     g_assert(subj != NULL);
     75     librdf_node *prop = librdf_new_node_from_uri_string(fixture->world,
     76             (const unsigned char *)"");
     77     g_assert(prop != NULL);
     78     librdf_node *obj = librdf_model_get_target(fixture->model, subj, prop);
     79     g_assert(obj != NULL);
     80     GValue value = {0};
     81     librdf_node_get_literal_gvalue(obj, NULL, &value);
     82     g_assert(G_VALUE_HOLDS(&value, G_TYPE_INT64));
     83     g_assert_cmpint(g_value_get_int64(&value), ==, 123);
     84     g_value_unset(&value);
     85     librdf_free_node(obj);
     86     librdf_free_node(prop);
     87     librdf_free_node(subj);
     88 }
     90 static void test_date(FIXTURE_TYPE *fixture, DATA) {
     91     librdf_node *subj = librdf_new_node_from_uri_string(fixture->world,
     92             (const unsigned char *)"");
     93     g_assert(subj != NULL);
     94     librdf_node *prop = librdf_new_node_from_uri_string(fixture->world,
     95             (const unsigned char *)"");
     96     g_assert(prop != NULL);
     97     librdf_node *obj = librdf_model_get_target(fixture->model, subj, prop);
     98     g_assert(obj != NULL);
     99     GValue value = {0};
    100     librdf_node_get_literal_gvalue(obj, NULL, &value);
    101     g_assert(G_VALUE_HOLDS(&value, G_TYPE_DATE));
    102     GDate *date = (GDate *)g_value_get_boxed(&value);
    103     g_assert_cmpuint(g_date_get_year(date), ==, 1986);
    104     g_assert_cmpuint(g_date_get_month(date), ==, 8);
    105     g_assert_cmpuint(g_date_get_day(date), ==, 16);
    106     g_value_unset(&value);
    107     librdf_free_node(obj);
    108     librdf_free_node(prop);
    109     librdf_free_node(subj);
    110 }
    112 static void test_datetime(FIXTURE_TYPE *fixture, DATA) {
    113     librdf_node *subj = librdf_new_node_from_uri_string(fixture->world,
    114             (const unsigned char *)"");
    115     g_assert(subj != NULL);
    116     librdf_node *prop = librdf_new_node_from_uri_string(fixture->world,
    117             (const unsigned char *)"");
    118     g_assert(prop != NULL);
    119     librdf_node *obj = librdf_model_get_target(fixture->model, subj, prop);
    120     g_assert(obj != NULL);
    121     GValue value = {0};
    122     librdf_node_get_literal_gvalue(obj, NULL, &value);
    123     g_assert(G_VALUE_HOLDS(&value, G_TYPE_DATE_TIME));
    124     GDateTime *datetime = (GDateTime *)g_value_get_boxed(&value);
    125     g_assert_cmpint(g_date_time_get_year(datetime),             ==, 2012);
    126     g_assert_cmpint(g_date_time_get_month(datetime),            ==, 7);
    127     g_assert_cmpint(g_date_time_get_day_of_month(datetime),     ==, 22);
    128     g_assert_cmpint(g_date_time_get_hour(datetime),             ==, 15);
    129     g_assert_cmpint(g_date_time_get_minute(datetime),           ==, 57);
    130     g_assert_cmpfloat(g_date_time_get_seconds(datetime),        ==, 41.0);
    131     g_assert_cmpint(g_date_time_get_utc_offset(datetime),       ==,
    132             /* 10 hours in us */ 10 * 60 * 60 * 1000000LL);
    133     g_value_unset(&value);
    134     librdf_free_node(obj);
    135     librdf_free_node(prop);
    136     librdf_free_node(subj);
    137 }
    139 static void custom_adaptor(const gchar *lv, GValue *value_out) {
    140     g_value_init(value_out, G_TYPE_STRING);
    141     g_value_set_static_string(value_out, "custom");
    142     return;
    143 }
    144 static librdf_gvalue_adaptor_func custom_adaptor_map(librdf_uri *datatype_uri) {
    145     const gchar *datatype_uri_string =
    146         (const gchar *)librdf_uri_as_string(datatype_uri);
    147     if (g_strcmp0(datatype_uri_string, "") == 0)
    148         return custom_adaptor;
    149     return librdf_default_gvalue_adaptor_map(datatype_uri);
    150 }
    151 static void test_custom_adaptor(FIXTURE_TYPE *fixture, DATA) {
    152     librdf_node *subj = librdf_new_node_from_uri_string(fixture->world,
    153             (const unsigned char *)"");
    154     g_assert(subj != NULL);
    155     librdf_node *prop = librdf_new_node_from_uri_string(fixture->world,
    156             (const unsigned char *)"");
    157     g_assert(prop != NULL);
    158     librdf_node *obj = librdf_model_get_target(fixture->model, subj, prop);
    159     g_assert(obj != NULL);
    160     GValue value = {0};
    161     librdf_node_get_literal_gvalue(obj, custom_adaptor_map, &value);
    162     g_assert(G_VALUE_HOLDS(&value, G_TYPE_STRING));
    163     g_assert_cmpstr(g_value_get_string(&value), ==, "custom");
    164     g_value_unset(&value);
    165     librdf_free_node(obj);
    166     librdf_free_node(prop);
    167     librdf_free_node(subj);
    168 }
    170 void add_literal_gvalue_tests(void) {
    171     TEST_ADD(test_untyped);
    172     TEST_ADD(test_integer);
    173     TEST_ADD(test_date);
    174     TEST_ADD(test_datetime);
    175     TEST_ADD(test_custom_adaptor);
    176 }